Other tools

In addition to the MailerQ application, we have some tools and scripts that (may) come in handy for MailerQ users - and for others. The following tools are available:

The amqpinit and httpcaller tools are generic: they can also be useful in a non-MailerQ environment.


Application to preprocess messages before they are picked up by MailerQ. This application converts JSON messages into RFC8822 complient MIME messages. This application is helpful if you want to specify your messages in JSON format instead of MIME format. You can put properties like the subject line, headers, actual content and attachments into the MIME message specification, which are then turned into a valid MIME messages that is then sent to MailerQ to be delivered.

Click here for more information about Mimify


This is a generic tool to create RabbitMQ queues and exchanges based on a JSON config file. It reads the input from the config file, and ensures that all the listed queues, exchanges and bindings are created. It can be useful in startup or initialization scripts to ensure that all your queues are correctly configured. Also useful as standalone application.

Click here for more information about AmqpInit


This is a generic tool designed to manage delayed message handling within RabbitMQ message queues. It reads messages from a RabbitMQ queue and, based on the "timestamp" header property, holds each message until its designated delay expires. When this delay expires, AmqpDelayer publishes the message back to RabbitMQ for further processing.

Click here for more information about AmqpDelayer


This is a generic tool for sending out HTTP POST calls. Based on JSON input from a RabbitMQ message queue, this application sends out HTTP POST calls. This is a generic standalone tool for many different use cases - not only in combination with MailerQ. The JSON messages in the queue should contain the URL to call, and the message body to post. It can also optionally hold extra headers and other properties for the outgoing HTTP calls.

Click here for more information about HttpCaller


This is a MailerQ specific middleware application that connects the results-queue from MailerQ with the input-queue of the MailerQ-httpcaller (see above). It converts MailerQ's result queue output into instructions that are compatible with the httpcaller. For example, it adds a URL property to the JSON, and the message body is formatted. This "amqphttp" tool takes care this:

Click here for more information about AmqpHttp


This is a generic tool that reads files from a directory, called the pickup directory, and publishes them as-is, with no extra processing to a RabbitMQ message queue.

Click here for more information about AmqpPickup


A MailerQ specific setup script to simplify setting up a MailerQ webhook stack. Although you can configure a stack yourself using the above three tools, you can also leave it up to the mailerq-webhook script:

Click here for more information about WebHook